Saturday, May 26, 2007

And the winner is...

Paula of Pink Roses and a Pearl .

A name was picked from the bowl this morning, and Paula is the winner of the fabric package, Cottage Charm giveaway.
Let me know which fabric pack you would like.

Thanks to all who participated in our giveaway! It was so much fun to meet new people and visit new blogs. I'm sure we'll be doing this again!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Kimberly :)


  1. Dear Kimberly, I just sent you an email. I am so excited! Thank you so much for participating in the cottage giveaway and for your gorgeous and generous gift! Have a lovely weekend! Blessings, Paula P.S. I am glad to have found your lovely blog and website!

  2. Congratulations Paula!

    I'll get your package wrapped and mailed out!
    Thanks so much for entering our giveaway!

    Kimberly :)

  3. Your yard looks very relaxing and beautiful! And you are good friend to make such a lovely bag for your friend’s trip. I hope that you have a safe and a happy weekend!

  4. Beautiful lush and green! I live in the desert so my yard is quite brown! lol And I'm sure your friend will love her tote. You did a great job! Did you just start sewing recently? I'm impressed! I finished my first apron...I think it's pretty good for a first timer but I need lots more practice!
