Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kitchen Pictures and Choosing Paint Colors...Aaarggg

Finally, some progress has been made. The cabinets are in, handles are on, granite is installed, and a paint color as been chosen.
We went with brushed nickle hardware and faucet (I should have a picture of the faucet soon).

The cabinet color is Dove White. Not too sterile but still blends with the white appliances.

The granite is called Colonial Gold. Its a light color but, has a nice warm feel to it with flecks of darker tan and amber.
And I love the sink! It a Smart Divide by Kohler.

We still need to install the under cabinet lighting and new light fixture over the sink. I'll be painting tomorrow. Ugh...I hate painting when there's so much to tape off.

It took forever to find the right color of tan. There was either too much of a pink undertone or green undertone or too dark, too light, too yellow, .....aaarrgggg. But I think we finally found a good one. We went with a Martha Stewert color called "Hominy" from Lowes.
Its the one on the bottom, left of the light switch.
Ok, I'm off to go paint!


  1. Wow, it is beautiful so far! The granite is spectacular and I love the white cabinets and the hardware. I never tape when I paint I just use an angled brush and take it slow when cutting in. I figure it doesn't take any longer to have a slow, steady hand than to tape. I actually love painting because it gives you instant gratification and if you don't like it, well, it's just paint! xo, suzy

  2. I love that granite! We went through all that last year and still have some trim work to do.

  3. It looks beautiful so far!!
    I love it!

  4. I'd just like to say that your kitchen looks great and I can't wait to see it when it's painted. I hope the painting goes well for you as I know how tedious it can be.
    I really enjoy the photo of your living room on your last post. It looks so nice and makes me feel happy when I look at it.
    Happy painting, Angela.

  5. How light and airy! And the granite color is awesome. Can't wait to see the paint.

  6. Just found your blog! Love your style! I am adding you to my favorites! Smiles...Joy~

  7. It's looking good! That granite is lovely and I love that sink! I also stopped tapping and use an angled brush now.


  8. Your kitchen is gorgeous! That granite is so creamy and delicious looking!

    Now, drumroll please, I came with a hearty CONGRATULATIONS for you! You are the winner of the drawing, the purse from Rochambeau! Just email me your address and I will pass it on to Constance! Woo Hoo! Thanks so much for visiting and entering the drawing!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. Thank you Melissa!
    I can't believe I won that GORGEOUS purse. WOO HOO!!!

  10. I love your countertops. Beautidul! I can't wait to see the whole thing when it's done!
    Jen R

  11. Fabulous kitchen! Happy Valentines Day to you!

    kari & kijsa

  12. Nice to meet you Kim! Your website is really nice. Good luck painting!!

  13. Oh, what a beautiful kitchen redo. You must be beside yourself. I wish I had more time to visit everyone, but I'm so glad I saw this and your livingroom pics! It's beautiful too!

    Enjoy your newly redone space. It's a gorgeous kitchen!


  14. Hi Kimberly,

    Beautiful kitchen...and website too. I like the paint color you selected.

    Thanks for sending your chalkboard project. I made it a feature of my blog today. I love all styles and I really have not done much to highlight a vintage look. This adds something wonderful to my line-up. I will keep checking your blog.


  15. It all looks wonderful! I love the granite and I can't wait to see the end result.

    Marie x

  16. Beautiful Kitchen ... I love that sink!!! The granite you chose is so pretty. Everything is going to be so beautiful when all done.. I bet you are so excited!

    xo Heather

  17. Your kitchen is gorgeous! I look forward to seeing it all painted to can drool over it.

  18. LOVE IT! Love the granite--the perfect color. LOVE the paint: what is it? I must know! (And I don't bother taping--much faster that way. Just cut in!) I can't wait to see it all done!
    ~Angela :-)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It looks great Kimberly!! Oh, the colours are just so me, so fresh and light. Love the sink as well! That one is very special.

    I know how hard it can be to choose the right colour, but I am shure you have picked just the right one! Have you finnished it already?

    Good luck!

  21. I see this is an older post. I recently bought this sink, what side did you put your disposal? I see people put it in the small side, my thought is when you wash dishes/pots drain the water it would be better to use the disposal on the large side. Did you find it better one way than another? Thanks

  22. Hi,
    We put the disposal on the small side.
    Mainly because I freak out about silverware falling in when its on, so I wanted all the dishes in the large side and just scape the plates into the small side disposal when needed.
    SO far its been working out just fine. Hope that helps. :-)
