Sunday, March 22, 2009

And The Winner Is...

MichelleB !!! Congratulations Michelle!
Michelle has a lovely blog called MichelleSews . Stop by to see her amazing (and I do mean amazing) quilts and her cute tote bag and other sewing projects.
I'd like to thank everyone who joined in on the Spring Floral fabrics giveaway. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting. It was a lot of fun seeing so many new names and blogs.

Well, I better go get a hold of my winner. Oh and look what I found finally blooming in the yard.

Thanks again, everyone! Enjoy your weekend. :)


  1. hi... I am new crazy crafter visit my blog

    I love the materials that wregiven away...:)

  2. Contratulations to Michelle. We have daffodils and crocuses blooming and I've seen several magnolia trees ready to bloom. Just glorious!

  3. Oh my goodness! Lucky, lucky me! Thank you so much! WooHoo!!!!

  4. I'm so happy for Michelle, what a wonderful treat for her. Thank you for sharing her blog link; I'll pop over and visit.

    Your flowers look so beautiful. I love the wonderful ways Spring has of "dressing up".

  5. Michelle is a lovely gal. Good for her. Love the signs of spring.

  6. Glad Michelle won your giveaway! Your little bulbs blooming are just gorgeous. I have tulips that have just poked their leaves through the ground. Blooms soon I hope!
    Marilyn in NM
