Friday, April 3, 2009

"Dancing Leaves" Barkcloth Tote

I love this barkcloth and have been dying to use it in a project. Its a midcentury modern print entitled "Dancing Leaves" and has been attributed to the surrealist artist Salvador Dali.
For this tote, I've paired it with a green linen that is a shade somewhere between olive and chartreuse. A geometric black and white fabric was used for the other side as well as the interior pocket.Black piping was used to help the two fabrics stand out against the green linen.
Since this is an open tote, I think I'll make a matching zippered pouch for it. I haven't decided yet if this is for me, or to sell. If I succumb to the pressure to make some money, it will be on the website, here. :)
Have a great weekend, everyone!


Georgia Peachez said...

Hi Kimberly, I have had this fabric in my collection before and just didn't know exactly how to cut into it. I eventually decided to pass it along. I love! how you have used it in this tote. Perfect!! xo, suzy

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Thanks Suzy! :)
I know what you mean...This came to me as a single drape panel that was a little frayed along the bottom. Had it been a pair, I couldn't have brought myself to use it for projects.

Stacy said...

I LOVE those dancing leaves. The tote is gorgeous! Actually, I just looked at your store and everything is gorgeous. You are SO talented! I'm glad I found your blog because it's a joy to read and look at. I think you're making me fall in love with vintage fabric.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Beautiful and the color/fabric combination is so perfect. Isn't it hard to part with a a gorgeous bag? You have such terrific fabrics.

Mrs.Kwitty said...

OMGosh--I LOVE that! THe "dancing leaves" is fantastic and your bag is really wonderful, you did a fantastic job with choosing fabrics to go with it. It's a work of art!
Smiles, Karen

Unknown said...

Hi Kimberly!
That Barkcloth is great. Love the colors. I have the same problem....when I make a new tote, I can't decide if it's for me or to sell. I haven't seen that pattern very often. I'd be keepin it. I'm also with you and Suzi, I have trouble cutting pieces. I have that chenille spread I got a few weeks ago, still have not had the heart to cut into it and it's not for a lack of ideas. LOL, the colors don't even go with anything in my house! So it's draped on a chair in the living room. Jim's threatened to use it as a drop cloth. I've told him that'd be grounds for killin him..and no female jurist would convict.hehe.
have a nice weekend!
Melody :)

Momoo said...

Very sharp bag, if you decide to sell it, I'm sure it will be grabbed quickly.

Sarah and Jack said...

Those leaves are really something.

I saw some barkcloth today that had deer mounts and hunting related stuff on it. It was awesome and I am still sad I didnt buy it!

Unknown said...

Wow! What incredible fabric Kimberly and you have used it SO well....very stylish!
{So nice to see your comment on my blog, thanks:)}

Louise said...

I absolutely love this fabric. I remember lots of abstract art in our home as a child. Also I remember a bottle of Chartreuse in the drinks cabinet, only ever coming out at Christmas! Your post has brought back these memories, so thank you. Your craft projects are always lovely and your needlework skills are impeccable. x

Katherine said...

Beautiful! You certainly have an eye for pairing up beautiful fabrics with the perfect design to suit them. Well done, Kimberly!

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Really interesting fabric turned even more appealing by becoming a tote. Great colors.

Junie Moon said...

I love barkcloth and what you've done with it looks truly fabulous.

Amanda Jean said...

it's a wonderful tote! i can't imagine having to part with it!!!

Zoë said...

What an amazing blog!!