I believe that it is physically impossible NOT to smile when you look at these fabrics. :-)
They are just Happy Fun prints! They all date to the 1960's -70's and sport cute daisies and flowers of all kinds.

pinks and
greens seem to dominate, but a pretty
aqua blue makes a showing, as well.

I hope they brightened your day as much as they did mine. :-)
Sunshine on a snowy day. Terrific fabrics!!!
LOL. I remember wearing patterns like these!
Happy hunting,
Oh Memories! I had short outfits and sundresses made out of material like this around 4th to 6th grades. My Mom had gotten a new sewing machine and she went wild sewing for my little sister and me. Those were the days.....
They must have been doing their job well for my Friday was quite cheery! =)
How did you make out with all the snow? We got four inches here - small in comparison to most of the areas that were hit with this storm. We probably would have had more though had it not melted the first phase of the snow.
Take care!
I think we ended up with about 5-6 inches.
Not too bad...the streets were cleared off pretty quickly.
Stay warm!
Kimberly :-)
Love that you shared these since they really brightened up this snowy day. I think I have small amounts of each of the ones in the last picture. I am so bad...I never can cut and use anything. I just like to get it out and look at it.
Ahhh, one day they will all become something fabulous.
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