This morning a name was picked out of the bowl and our winner is...
(drum roll)....
...Paula of Pink Roses and a Pearl .
Thank you to everyone who participated in our giveaway. It has been so much fun and a great way to meet new bloggers. I'm sure we'll be doing this again!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Kimberly :)

Here at Niesz Vintage Home...and fabric, we will be giving away a package containing vintage floral fabric, trims, buttons, and a vintage paper item. The winner will be able to choose the "Blue Red Yellow" package or the "Pink Yellow" package. All you have to do is leave a comment saying that you would like to be added to the drawing and a winner will be picked on May26th.
*Give away update: Its great to see so many signing up, but I need to be able to contact you. So if you do not have a blog page to post to, or if your profile is not public, please send me your email address through the contact link on the side bar. Thanks!!!
Wow, Kim - you've been busy! The blog looks glad I'm able to be able to "visit" you now! What a wonderful giveaway you've put'll have lots of people sign up for sure! Thanks for joining this little event - we're just getting started. I'll be posting my giveaway later on today so pop on by and sign up!
Thanks Kim! Yes, it will be fun to see what the others will give away. I'm going to jump around and sign up for some today.
Wow, I'd love to be included in your drawing!
Be sure and signup at my blog!
That is a neat idea! Count me in!
Thanks for joining the Cottage Charm Give Away Day. Be sure and visit my blog as well ~ Hearth & Home. =)
Well have a great day! =)
Thanks Marilyn and Jessi! I'm making my way to the other give aways now.
I've also added some additional details about each package. :)
Hi, Kim, just wanted to stop by and say hello. I'm a fairly new blogger too & saw your note to Kim at One Woman's Cottage Life about talking to yourself over here, LOL. Hang in there...I've only been blogging for a couple months now & you will be surprised at all the new people that will find you eventually. Go out & post and they will come!
Southern Hospitality
Wow what beautiful items. I would love to be added in the giveaway.
Hi Kim,
Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
Good luck with yours and have fun!
Love your website too - had to have a quick look, seeing as we both love vintage fabrics!
Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! You will love it and all of the great people you meet.
Wow! Thank you all for visiting and entering my give away. And a BIG thanks to the organizer of the event (Kim at owcl) for providing the perfect opportunity to introduce myself. :)
That blue fabric and button cards are fabulous! Love, love them. Please enter me in your drawing. Carol
I love that blue fabric! I'd love to be signed up for this drawing! Thank you!
That fabric is stunning! I'd love to be inlcuded as well.
I found your lovely blog today while I was browsing through blogland. You havea beautiful blog.
I would love to be signed up for this wondeful giveaway.
Wonderful giveaway items! I would love to participate! Jamie
I would love to know how you added that gorgeous pink print to your blog. I haven't learned how to personalize mine yet.
Please add me to your giveaway. I love the items you chose.
I'm thrilled to see so many signing up. The more the merrier!!!
And Melissa, the image is from Its a great sight of background images and nesting tables. You need to upload the one you want to your photo-host, and then I just replaced it with the one in the sample template.
oooh what pretties! PLEASE add me to your drawing =) thanks! debbie
I would love to be added to your beautiful giveaway!
wow love the fabric you are giveing away may I be in the draw please it is on my birthday do you think that will make me lucky????
have a fab day
I love your blog! The giveaway is great, I would love to be included in the drawing.
I'd love to sign up too:)
very nice items, add me in please
Love the fabrics! Please add my name to the drawing.
So pretty! Nice to find another lovely blog.
Please add me to your give away list. Love your site. I'm new to blogging too.
Very pretty.
Please count me in!
I would LOOVVVEE to be entered in your giveaway! The fabric is So beautiful-what a hard choice! Please add me! Olivia
Nice site, please enter me into your drawing and stop by and enter mine.
What a fun giveaway! Everything is so beautiful! :)
I would love to be included in your give-away - very beautiful fabric!
Hello! I just found your blog today and would love to be entered into your drawing too!
Allison @
Hi everyone!
Thanks so much for entering my giveaway.
I have all your names in the hat and still taking new entries!
Thanks again for stopping by.
Kimberly :)
I'd love to enter your giveaway!
I would love to be signed up if thats ok. Please feel free to come and sign up for my giveaway as well - I have just joined in. This is such a fantastic idea !!!
Fun! I love the giveaway, please sign me up.
OOH please sign me up, Lovely blog,lovely prizes.Im soo a kid at christmas never grew out of it.
Beautiful colors. Please sign me up for the giveaway!
beautiful giveaways! If I win, it will be a very difficult choice.
I would love to win your giveaway. Please enter me!
Your giveaway says "Cottage" all over it! Love the items!! Please sign me up.
I would love to be signed up for your drawing. Your give-a-way is my favorite so far! I can't wait to browse around your blog a bit.
charming - adorable - lovely!
I hope I am lucky!
Oh! What pretty things! Please sign me up for your give-away. Your blog is wonderful.
How pretty. Please sign me up.
Please sign me up for your lovely give-away. Thank you.
Hope you come by and check mine out.
Take care,
Such a wonderful giveaway!! This is sooo much fun:-) Please enter my name for your drawing!! Thank you! xo
I'm a sucker for fabric and buutons! Please enter my name! :)
OOh, buttons. Sign me up! :D (wende @
Add me! I just found your blog and can't wait to explore it more!
I'd love to be included in your give-away! Too fun!
Please count me in, Thank you!
Pretty please sign me up! The fabric is just so lovely!
Please include me in the draw, that is such stunning fabric.
Wow how fun if this..please enter me.
I just figured out how this give away works.
Thanks for entering me.
What a wonderful give-away! Sign me up for sure. xoxo
Please include me in your draw. would love those items.
Beautiful textiles! Please enter me in your drawing for your free give-away. I'm really happy to have found your blog (thanks to Kim, for starting this linking of give-aways so I can meet new and interesting bloggers!).
Enjoy a lovely day!
What a beautiful offer for your give away. I would love to be included.
Oh, I LOVE that fabric!! It's so hard to find fabric that pretty!! Please do enter me in the drawing!!
Thank you!!
Very nice prize. I'd like to be included please
sign me up please.
I would love to be chosen for your giveaway--sign me up! I'll send you my email address--Thanks so much! :)
Sharon M.
Both packages are absolutly stunning! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you.
Oh I love your giveaway! Please add me!! Peggy
Yeah, love your giveaway! Sign me up! Beautiful fabrics! xxoo, suzy
Your blog is so pretty! Please sign me up for your lovely giveaway. Blessings, Paula
Please sign me up. Thanks!
What a beautiful collection you have put together!
I love it!
Please include me in your drawing!
Fingers crossed!
Hugz, Doll
please enter my name. thank you!
I would love to enter my name, what a great idea
What a nice site!
please sign me up ~ if you get a chance come visit ~ SIgn up for my giveaway!
Diana aka Farmer Di
Wonderful goodies! I would love to join in the drawing!!
Jenn :-)
This giveaway has introduced me to so many new blogs, just love yours, please may I be included in your give away,
Thank you
How nice that you even gave the winner a choice!
I would love to be included in your cottage charm give a way, and thank you for participating!
Your blog is great! Glad I found it!
claudia d
Please sign me up! It sounds lovely.
Your give away items look lovely. I would appreciate being included in your drawing.
Those fabrics are gorgeous. I would love to be added. Thank you.
Please add me to your drawing! :) Thank you!
My email is: mybuttercup (at) cavtel (dot) net
(I put the "@" and "." in words to prevent the spambots from knowing it). ;)
Hi~ I hope it's not too late to be entered into your drawing...your giveaway gifts are lovely.
And so is your blog! I'll have to linger a bit.
Thank you!
Hi! Enter me in! This is really fun! karen b...
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