Friday, April 27, 2007

Easy Weekend Project - Mantel Headboard

Ok, so its not quite as easy as the chalkboard...but still very do-able in a weekend.

This mantle headboard is something I did about a year ago. At the suggestion of Heather of Pretty Petals , I've decided to make this the next weekend project.
First, find your mantel (or is it mantle ?). Mine was only 40.00 at a local flea market and was already stripped of most of its peeling paint.
After applying a fresh coat of cottage white paint we were ready to secure it to the wall. We drilled screws into the studs along the outside edge and the upper lip of the opening. It was raised off of the floor about 6 inches to a comfortable height when sitting in bed. (ours is small, but , if your mantle is large or very heavy, its best to use supports under the posts.

Next, a piece of 1/2 inch plywood was cut to fit the opening. I used a spray adhesive to attach a piece of 2" foam and covered that with a piece of muslin and batting.

Now the fun part...picking out your fabric. Mine was originally done in a cabbage rose barkcloth, but, I was ready for a change. So, I recovered it today in another lovely vintage piece from my stash.

Center your design, fold over edges (so you are stapling through a double layer of fabric) and staple to the back. (start in the center of opposite sides and work toward the corners)
To avoid having to screw through the fabric, we simply "wedged" the fabric panel into the mantel opening. We did this by partially inserting 2 screws in the top and 2 directly beneath the panel.
This also makes it much easier to change out the fabric whenever you like.


Rosemary said...

Beautiful! I wish I could find one for 40.00. I haven't seen one less than 100.00. I will keep looking though.

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Hi Rosemary,
When I first saw it in the morning, it was priced at about 75.00.
It was still there at the end of the day so I made an offer. All I had left was 40 dollars and a handful of quarters. I guess he really didn't want to load it back up, cause he said OK. LOL

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Now that's brilliant! I love the look of a mantle for a headboard & you really came up with a good one. You're so creative! I love your projects. Good for you waiting til the end of the day too.

Southern HOspitality

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Oh, there it is! I just love it! I have not been able to find a mantle around here for under 100 dollars either...I will have to keep my eyes peeled!


Kim @ Twice Remembered said...

That turned out beautifully! I always eye those old mantles at flea markets - what a great use for them!

Donna, The Decorated House said...

Although I've seen the mantel turned headboard project a few times, your fabric insert makes it even more personal.
Wonderful looing.

Sugar Bear said...

You are very talented! I love your blog. Going to add it to my favorites.

Crafty Mama said...

Hi there! Thank you for visiting my new blog en your nice comment! Did some browsing on your website en saw your Cozy Cottage Porch and well.... i'm thinking of moving in!! No worries, you can leave al your stuff behind! Completely LOVE IT!

Vintage to Victorian said...

What an amazing idea, and it looks fabulous. Welcome to blogland - you'll soon have loads of followers (me included) with all your lovely photos and ideas. Sue

Tiff said...

That is gorgeous! I'm now regretting selling an old mantle at a yard sale a few yrs back. It was one of those rare times that I gave into the hubby and got rid of it because he hated it. I've learned since then;)

Love your blog!


Niki Fretwell said...

What a fabulous idea! Love the fabric that you used too.

Have a great weekend!

PS. Thanks for the link to 'Pretty Petals' that's another to visit!

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I have always thought that would make a great headboard!
And, nice to meet you :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is amazing and so very pretty. I love it.


Anonymous said...

What a charming idea and the end result is beautiful.

Your blog is lovely. I'm new to blogging too, so do stop by for a visit.


Marilyn in NM said...

That is AWESOME! What a great idea and what a bargain. You've got such a creative eye and you made it look just beautiful!

Jen Kershner said...

What a fabulous idea and a flawless execution. It looks great in your home.

Tea said...

This is so beautiful! I`m glad you`ve started a blog and that I`ve discovered it :) Looking forward to each new post.


Cherub*Kisses said...

Ohhs & Ahhs!! I love your blog... Fantastic!! I can't wait to visit again... Dionne

Anita said...

Gorgeous! What a wonderful idea. Thanks for the directions!

Sherrie said...

It's gorgeous! Thanks for the great idea!