There's some "Freshcut" by Heather Bailey, Flea Market Fancy, Building Blocks, and that fabulous bird print from Alexandery Henry. I'm so happy with the colors: they all go together well. I can't wait to start sewing. :)
Its a good thing I have pretty fabrics to play with, because I am completely fed up with my web-server. Now, I readily admit to knowing little or nothing about how all this internet stuff works, but I expect the people I'm paying to be able to keep my website viewable for at least a majority of the time. "Server Errors" are a daily occurance lately and now even my emails don't want to work. :(
So, if you have attempted to contact me and have your email returned, I apologize. I wish I knew how to fix it. I have issued a support ticket to my hosting site, so hopefully they will find the problem soon. Grrrr.
Great colors. I am sorry your site is down, I would love to visit it!
I will go check out sewmama though, we can always use some more fabric. Right?
Have fun sewing. The fabric is really pretty.
Love that table too.
Thanks so much for the lovely comment on my blog. I'm at my Mom's and the weather has been horrible. We're only 90 miles from the devistating tornado in Greensburg. Thankfully my cousin and her family that live there were missed because they farm just 3 miles from town and that ugly tornadoe went right past them. I've been a nervous wreck over the weather and can't wait to go home. Just wish my Mom didn't live here, too.
I bought a new table runner pattern at the quilt shop and am trying to find just the right charms for it. They don't have alot here so may have to wait till I get home but I may just check out Sew mama sew. Your fabric is just lovely.
Oh great, just what I need, another fabulous fabric website. I am drowning in fabric as it is! But then one can never have too much, there is always something new to check out. Now let me just go check out your offerings one more time, just in case I need more! xo, suzy
I love all of your pretty new fabrics! You have the most gorgeous fabric on your site!
Very pretty fabric! Wish I was a better sewer. I always find fabulous fabric but I never do anything with it! Although, my daughter and I are going to try to make a quilt this summer.
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