I have lots of fun vintage fabrics to share with you since, apparently, I decided to take the entire month of May off. LOL ( I blame yardwork and gorgeous weather) Anyway, Mom and I had a girls weekend in the middle of May and headed north for the Springfield Antique Extravaganza. I was able find a few new pieces to add to the yellow pottery collection that I recently started (I'll share those in the next post), and found a couple of cute 60's fabrics.
And a really pretty rayon? with bluebirds and wisteria. It is so soft and flowy, I'd love to make some pajama or lounge pants with it.We also hit an amazing antique mall in the Columbus area (thanks Stephanie!). They had some killer furniture and industrial pieces that I would have loved to take home, but didn't bring the truck this time. But I did find a fun feedsack that reminds me of the atomic sputnik or starburst shapes of the 1950's.
I also made it out to the Lawrenceburg Antique Market this past Sunday. It was a really good day for fabrics! I found these cute fabrics all in shades of blue red and green.
A couple more feedsacks (the gray is from the earlier trip).
A pretty sunny yellow fabric from the 1940's and a tan with yellow daisies.
A lovely Japanese silk wisteria print from 1955. Don't you just love it when they print the date on a vintage piece!
And my two favorites of the day...a lovely pink sheer organdy lawn or batiste fabric from the 1930's and a cute printed dress fabric dating to the 1920-30's.
The printed dress fabric is really special! The selvage is marked with "SOIESETTE" , pronounced(swah-zet) .
The dealer told me that several of these fabrics came from the same estate. They are in absolutely amazing condition, 3-5 yards each and not so much as even a dust mark on the fold or attic smell!
I have many of these listed on the website already and will be getting the rest on later this week. Click HERE to see all of the newest listings.
And on a completely different note...this new blogger interface is driving me batty! So if my posts look a little wonky, its because I got too frustrated and just gave up trying to make it look right. lol
Have a great week, everyone!