Let's get started...
1.) First you'll need 3 pieces of fabric all cut to 13"x10". (you can customize the size to your specific needs). And 2 pocket pieces 6.5"x5.5".

3.) Next, hem the top of the pocket pieces and baste them onto the fabric that you just cut in half. I also added a small strip of fabric to hold a writing pad.

4.) Now, fold back the inside edge of these two pieces about a half an inch. Press and stitch down.

5.) Position pocket pieces onto your lining fabric. (I left a 1" gap between the two sides.) And sew around all four sides.

6.) Next, with right sides together, pin your outer fabric to your lining and pocket fabric. Sew around all four sides leaving a small opening in the bottom.
7.) Clip corners and turn right side out through the opening.
8.) Press and top stitch around the sides being sure to close up the opening in the bottom.

If you're not ready to try this project on your own, I'll have a few of these in pretty vintage fabrics on the website or in the Etsy shop this week.
Happy sewing!
This project is also part of The Twice Remembered Cottage "Make Your Monday" link event. Click the link above to see all the fun things bloggers are making this week.