This post is waaaay overdue. An area blackout/power outage lasting several days and a fun road trip immediately following has put me behind on showing you these scenes from the fair.

It was held at the beautiful Ohio Village in Columbus, Oh.

The vendor's booths were fantastic! Lots of creative displays, beautiful items, antiques, and just really cool old stuff. :) This booth had fun feedsack bags and pillows. (I just found out that these cute feedsack bags are made by Arlene of

This was one of my favorite booths (below). It was by Bloomsbury Loft and they had fun items at every turn. The booth was so crowded all day long that I had a really hard time getting a decent picture.

Another vendor had some lovely vintage linen towels with monograms...had to bring a few of those home with me. ;)

All in all it was a great day at the fair.
I wanna come toooooooo!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend
What a great fair. It looks like so much fun. I love the feedsacks.
THat looks wonderful! I think I could have unloaded a lot of cash at that event. Glad to see your doing lollipops. I'm just starting the search for some aqua and pink barkcloth fabric for pillows, so heading over to your site.
I have a friend who went and said it was wonderful. Too bad I missed out...right in my own backyard.
I'm so envious! I would have loved to go to that!!!
What a great fair! LOVE THOSE!
Hi! Nice to meet you! What a great fair! I love it! you have a nice blog! congrat!
visit me anytime...
Oh I had so wanted to go! Looks fabulous.
Oh I'm so jealous. Look at all the delightful sacks! How fun. Ever since I was a kid I've loved fairs.
Wow! Looks like a great time. So much eye candy. It must've been hard to decide what to take home with you. Love those monogrammed towels you picked up!
What a wonderful day you had! Aren't Fall Fairs the best :) I just love'em. Glad you had such a wonderful time. Karen
Hi. I am the creator of the vintage bags and totes from flour sacks you show in this post. They are part of the VINTAGE BARN booth. Is it okay if I use your pictures on my blog. Thank you. Arlene www.HeartRocksHome.com
Oh, fun! I've always wanted to go to the fair, but haven't been able t make it out there. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for sharing about lollishops, too, that sounds really neat!
~Angela :-)
How fun!!!
M ^..^
Hi Arlene!
Your bags are so cute!
In case you didn't get my email, yes, of course you can use my Country Living photos on your blog.
Kimberly :)
great pics!!
oh fun! I wish Texas had more exciting things like this on a regular basis...like right in my own town! ha!
Vintage Lily
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