Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Blog-iversary Giveaway! and Pretty Pouches

***( A special Hello to the NAVT people visiting)***
This week marks one year of sharing decorating ideas, craft and sewing projects, and vintage fabric via the blog. Yea! So, we're having a GIVEAWAY.

The little zippered pouch above is the prize. It is made with a vintage barkcloth fabric featuring a woodland scene and a cute little deer. The back is a natural colored linen and its lined with a dark green twill. Measuring approximately 8" x 6", it would be great for cosmetics, jewelry, for money and essentials when you go to the flea market, or for any number of other uses.

Giveaway rules:

1. Anyone is welcome. US and international bloggers (as long as your country doesn't have import restrictions on such an item), regular posters, lurkers, first time visitors, ...really anyone.

2. I have to be able to contact you. If you have an active blog, great! If you don't, you'll need to make sure I get your email address. (you can contact me from the side bar)

3. Just leave a comment on THIS post before Midnight (EST) Saturday April 19 th.

4. A winner will be choosen on Sunday April 20 th and announced that evening.

OK, now that the official stuff is done...more about these little pouches I've been making. They are so fun! With just a small piece of fabric and about an hour, you've got a great zippered bag. Some are in a front zipper style and others have a top zipper. All of the ones of Etsy have a small tab handle. Here's a few that are either available now on Etsy or will be this coming week.
Most are made with vintage fabric and linen. Love the vintage children's prints! The Kitty one even has an applique of little bunnies on the back. (see below)
Have a great weekend everyone. And be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win the deer pouch!


Marloes said...

Hey! I'm the first one!!! I would like to join in! Love the pouch!

Anonymous said...

What sweet little pouches, you are very creative. Happy Birthday to your blog!! I figured you had been very busy this week because you hadn't posted, so now I know what you've been up to. Have a wonderful day.

LeAnn :)

Georgia Peachez said...

Those little pouches are so cute! Happy first year! xo, suzy

Rosemary said...

Very cute Kimberly!
How cool we have our blogiversary on the same week.
Come back to my blog in a few days, when I have my giveaway posted.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet are those !!!

Congrats on your anniversary.

Pls enter my name.

Thanks so much,
Kathy :)

Sue Cahill said...

Congrats and keep up the great work. I would love such a sweet prize so throw my name in the hat too.
(sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Ilissa said...

I really like all of your bags; they are very cute. This one you are giving away reminds me of Bambi.

michelle michael said...

i love all your vintage fabrics!

Anonymous said...

Your prints are very pretty.


Cindy Is Crafty said...

They are all so lovely and I would love to win. Count me in!

Average Jane Crafter said...

Count me in. I fall in to the first-time visitor, but the fabric on the pouch has left me breathless!

Congrats on the anniversary - I look forward to keeping up! :)
averagejanecrafter at gmail dot com

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Oh MY Goodness! They are just adorable! I would love to be the winner of your blog anniversary giveaway! Happy One Year!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute deer. Happy -Versary!

Louise said...

Hi Kimberley, happy anniversary. Thanks so much for your great comment, you are now on my blogroll to visit, I think I am going to like your blog. Your pouch for the giveaway is lovely, and a strange coincidence that the material with the deer, I think, has a touch of influence of a British artist called John Skeaping, of which I had a print on my bedroom wall, back at the same time as we had that floral wallpaper in our lounge! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway, although I feel a fraud, as it is my first visit! x

PAT said...

Kimberly all the pouches are so cute! I'd love to win the deer pouch!

Congratulations on your one year in blogland!


Girl Land said...

Ack! Happy blogiversary! And LU-HUVVVV the deer pouch. :) xo


julie (jane's apron) said...

Very nice little favorite is the chenille one (such cool colors!). Count me in for the cute dear and congrats!

Teresa said...

Very cute! Please enter me in your giveaway. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.

Suzy ~ lorenzstudio said...

The fabric in that pouch is just darling. I can always use more pouches and am off to check out your shop!

Vintage Rose Collection said...

Hi Kimberly,
Thank you sweetly for your visit and nice comment!
Your little pouches are too adorable!
Love to you,

Bunny B said...

Hi Kimberly,
Congrats on your Blog-iversary!! :)
Lovely pouch! The bunny one is adorable!!!

Emily said...

Happy anniversary! Love your pouches! What a great way to use vintage fabric!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your Blog~iversary! I'm pretty new around these parts and this is my first visit... a totally beautiful blog! And your precious little pouches are simply adorable! I'd be crazy to not want to win! Please stop by for a visit sometime... I'd enjoy meeting you. Take care, and Congrats, again!
Respectfully... Pearl

Sarah and Jack said...

Hello from NAVT!

They are all gorgeous! (And why didn't I know about your blog before? LOL)

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Yea! A NAVT person!
Welcome to the blog, I hope you will stop by again!

Kimberly :)

Sugar Bear said...

YOur pouches are super cute and you are right - so many fabulous uses. Happy blogaversary!

frugallm said...

These are so cute! I love vintage!

elkmeese at

Anonymous said...

Wow, these little pouches are adorable. What a great project.

Popsicles & Lollipops said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Popsicles & Lollipops said...

Sorry, I accidentally deleted my comment. So here I am again..Oh, let it be me...let it be me...this is is my chant, my mantra! :-) By the way, if you'd like some of the fabric I gave away on my blog, I'd love to send you some (as a treat from me to you. just because.). How much could you use? I have a fair bit left. Just let me know!
*Disclaimer*-- This is in no way intended to be a bit of bribery. ;-)
Congratulations on your milestone!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy blog anniversary!

It is fun to see the labors of a very creative person! You tend to take it to the next level.

I would like to be entered into your contest.

Thanks .....


Brit said...

cute pouch!

- Brit

Unknown said...

very nice work


Robin said...

I LOVE them! So wonderful! Throw my name in the hat too please!

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

Happy Anniversary!! Wouldn't it be funny if I won?!?!?

~~♥ Mamma Millan ♥~~ said...

Hello, Sweden here!! What a lovely blog you ave!!!!

~~* W I T H ♥ L O V E *~~

Katherine said...

Happy Blogiversary, Kimberly!
Your zippered pouches are so sweet! I love the combinations of vintage fabrics and linen - the children print fabrics are especially sweet.

Lilla Blanka said...

Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment in my blog!
Wow I really like your sweet things..and your kitchen is lovely!
Take care
Mia,all the way from the other side of the Atlantic ocean

windycindy said...

Hi, Your zippered pouches are delightful. The vintage fabric is something I really like. The pouch is great for quick trips or a pocket! Happy Birthday! Have many more. Please enter me in your drawing.

Ivÿ said...

oh, it's so lovely. this will be such a better present for a very good friend of mine. i wish to participate in this giveaway, please. :)


A home far away said...

Oh the pouch is absolutely lovely. I am a swedish woman living in Singapore, you are welcome to visit:_)
Have a great day.

betty R.~Simply Southern said...

happy anniversary!!!
enter me please...thank you,i would love to win this..

Betty said...

I was looking at your little bags on Etsy. I love your fabrics. Congratulations on your first anniversary! How did it take me a year to find you? LOL

anne said...

What a delightful and lovely giveaway. Thanks so much. I love the deer fabric. It is extraordinary and unique. Happy Anniversary and many more.

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

Oh I would love to enter your giveaway!! Happy Happy one year!!!!

I love the little pouches you made and all of your beautiful work for that matter!! xoxo

willywagtail said...

Hi, I love your blog and would like to be in your draw for that fabulous pouch. Lots of thanks Cherrie

Marcia said...

I'm so in! Love that pouch. Congrats on the blog anniversary.

Idaho Quilter said...

LOve the pouch, and would love to be the winner....It is very nice of you to offer.

Jennifer Paganelli said...

WOW Happy Blog birthday so glad I jumped in here look how you work the pouches and the "emblem" looking's all so adorable..hard to believe that's vintage barkcloth it looks so!! all the best Kimberly, Jennifer