Saturday, April 5, 2008

My Favorite Vintage Jewelry

I love vintage jewelry. I have several pieces from my Grandma and a couple that I bought at flea markets. I really like that they're different from the "run of the mill" and the detail and quality is amazing. Here's just a few of my favorite pieces of vintage bling.

The pins...A beautifully carved red coral, a pink glass bow, and the blue rhinestone is a Weiss. I wear the blue bracelet all the time.
There are two hinged enamel (container) pieces. I think the pink roses one is a pill box and the Egyptian is a pendant and has a small mirror inside, probably a compact.

I think there was an Egyptian revival sometime in the 1920's, so it probably dates to around that time. I also love this hand painted pin with gorgeous violets.

The flea markets around here will be starting up soon. I can't wait to get out and find more treasures.

I am also coming up on my one year Blog-iversary and I'll be doing a Give-away! Please stop back to find out all the details. :)


Rosemary said...

Pretty jewelry Kimberly!!
If you like vintage jewelry, you should check out Jamie's blog, Simply Me Art. She makes beautiful pieces from vintage jewels. You would love it. She has it on Etsy.
Or go to my blog list and click.
Have a great weekend, and thanks for visiting me.

Sugar Bear said...

Beautiful! The flea market starts tomorrow for us - can't wait!

Unknown said...

Love your vintage jewelry! Always fun to find unique peices that speak to me.

Heather ~ Pretty Petals said...

These are so beautiful Kimberly... the hand painted one is gorgeous. It is fun to display them isn't it? another girl on her blog has broach pillows... have you seen those? I love the idea of gathering them on one pillow.

Have a great weekend!!

Barbra said...

Great pieces AND great blog!

Beth Leintz said...

Love your jewelry- the blue Weiss is just breathtaking! What fun stuff!

AuntDsHandcrafts said...

Beautiful jewelry and congratulations on your one year anniversary!

A Blond And A Torch said...

Those are great pieces! I hope you find even more at the upcoming flea market!

Kelley - a very JunqueyGal! said...

Oh how lovely! I love the old bling as well. I have a few of my grandmother's pieces as well. They priceless to me as I remember her wearing them often. Can't wait for the season to get started here and be able to go find such goodies!
Best regards,

Anonymous said...

I think that is so neat that you have pieces from your grandmother. I wish I did. What a keepsake!

LeAnn :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE vintage jewelry (not that I wear it - I just like looking at it) :-). What pretty, petty, collection you have!


Junie Moon said...

What wonderful pieces of jewelry!

Free Art Printables said...

Oh, I love the vintage jewelry! I have a lot myself!
Great pics!
Jen R

Anonymous said...

I think that my favourite is the blue bracelet. Good luck with your search for new pieces Kimberly.

Marie x

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

I love vintage jewellry. There is something about it that is so fascinating. Who were the ladies who wore it? Where did they go? How did it end up in a vintage store?

They are all just lovely!

Hope all is well...

Katherine said...

Great collection of vintage pretties, Kimberly. I also have some vintage pieces from my great-grandma. I'm drawn to the sparkly pieces and the intricate detail work.
Good luck finding more to add to your collection.

cd&m said...

Gorgeous stuff!

Bunny B said...

Beautiful jewelry! Love it!

Anonymous said...

oooohh ... such stunning vintage pretties you have. i esp. adore the handpainted violet pin ~sigh~ it is breathtaking. thanks for sharing...

Louise said...

These would be my favourite pieces too, a wonderful collection. If they were mine I would covet them, and never ever be able to part with them. x

Crafty Mama said...

Oh I just love vintage jewelry! It's pity these things are very rare here in The Netherlands. Here the things you find are very dull looking.Thanks for sharing!

Artistic Chica said...

The posts of the jewelry caught my, love the bling. Your sewn pieces are beautiful, you are so talented, will keep an eye out for new postings.Enjoyig your Blog.
Dee Dee

BumbleVee said...

some beautiful pieces the blue bracelet....