The most prominent item is no doubt the large armoire in the living room. Although Gram did have a couple of furniture pieces that may have been considered "nice antiques", it was the more rustic/shabby/cottage/quirky items that lived in the attic that I was drawn to.

On to the dining room... In here I have a fun old kitchen cabinet that houses my cookbooks, wine glasses and serving pieces. Extreme care is needed when moving this piece as the top and bottom appear to be attached by only a thick coat of paint. LOL
And in the bedroom...
Atop the vintage dresser sits a lovely baby picture of Gram tinted the most beautiful robin's egg blue. And in front, an antique bisque baby doll. Gram had quite an impressive antique doll collection. Although I'm not really a "doll person" (even as a kid, their fragile nature made me nervous), I do like this sweet little girl. Thankfully, the majority of that collection is being curated by other family members.
I also have a fun trio of vintage alarm clocks on the mantel headboard.I'm not sure if Gram kept these because she knew of their potential collectibility or if in her frugal nature she thought someone might fix them to use. Either way, I'm glad she did! :-)
Thanks for sharing another walk down memory lane with me!
I really enjoyed walking down memory lane with you. the pieces look divine in your lovely home, white paint is so IN at the moment and the pieces look fab in this colour. thanks for sharing.
I love the yo-yo tablecloth. Did you make it?
Isn't it pretty, Elizabeth. No, I didn't make it. It was a gift from my Mother-in-law. She found a bag of old yoyos at a yard sale and she stitched them together one summer.
Kimberly :-)
I love the armoire and the kitchen cabinet. Isn't is wonderful having your Grandmother's treasures in your home? I have my grandmother's dining room table where we had many family dinners and I don't think I will ever be able to let go of it. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, Kimberly.
I love the Grandma's attic posts you've been writing. In my case, it would be my 85 year old mom's attic and basement and garage. She has started dividing stuff up, but still just has walkways through those areas. She has 10cent garage sales with stuff I see in vintage shops. Her comment is that it isn't old..it's only from the 60's. She did give my daughter a great vintage brouch to wear on her wedding dress.
Goldenbird, how wonderful to have your grandmother's table! A new generation of family memories around the same table.
Gale, that's priceless! I want to come to one of her yard sales. :)
Gram worked to divide up her things while she was still alive, too. I think she was afraid we would fight over it, but in reality, I think we were all more worried about who would have to take it all. LOL
What great treasures!!! Missed ya at the craft show. Someday I really hope we meet in person. so we can put a face to the e-mail. Hope ya had a great Thanksgiving.
Isn't it wonderful to have treasures from the family? Especially when they are as gorgeous as the ones you have!
Hi Kimberly,
I'm really loving those old vintage clocks. Grammy was a wise old woman. Everything is so chic again, it's wonderful, isn't it?
Have a great week.
xo Cathy
Sweet! Isn't it great that the previous generations kept everything...so different from today. It's great you have these treasures - I don't really have anything 'cuz there was never much and too many family members taking stuff or selling them or things breaking down. At least, my sister was able to get a cherished oak buffet.
How wonderful to have those reminders of someone you love. What a lovely idea blogging about them! I enjoyed browsing your family heirlooms. =)
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