I just wanted to share photos of some fun vintage Beauty Shop items. I was a hair designer for 25 years, so I enjoy finding these old salon collectibles. Gram also kept some of them for me.
Here's a small group of curling and crimping irons.

And I LOVE these two business cards!

The top one advertises $5.00 permanents and was perfume scented to encourage ladies to keep for their purse. (Brilliant marketing!)

And the bottom one plays off the Mae West quote, "come up and see me sometime". I think both of these are from the early 1930's.

Hair pins were a must in the 1940's.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek at vintage Beauty Culture. We've come a long way, baby. LOL
Some of those "tools" look painful! What women won't do for the perfect hairstyle. Love the old business cards.
That was fun seeing all of those vintage beauty items. The hair curlers and crimpers look like toture devices! Gosh, I used to get perms several times a year in my younger days, and they sure weren't five dollars. Your post brought back memories of electric perm machines (not that I ever had one of those) and painful hair frostings pulled through a cap with a crochet hook. Yikes. The good old days :o)
Wow! We certainly have some a long way! These are fun items. I do adore the perfume card.
Hi Kimberly! What a fun collection.
Love the scented business card.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Yup, it is.
Please join me in my very first "Amour Valentine Swap". It's going to be easy, peezy and so much fun.
Just drop on over to my blog for the details, then send me an email if you'd like to participate. The more the merrier.
All these vintage hair accessories are great, and very collectible. Ladies took so much pride in their appearance in those days. x
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