I have been busy for the past week or so with organizing and decluttering the house, neither of which lend themselves to interesting photos or blog posts. So, although we've had several days of rain, I ventured outside to share a few photos of the patio pond and garden. Dark reddish pink blooms fill our weigela bush at the entrance to the patio.
Tall yellow iris had to be staked to with stand the rain and wind.
A very soggy peony.
And pretty yellow water iris appear to be taking over the pond.
That's ok, the fish don't mind...they like swimming through the roots. :-)
And hubby got the veggies planted this weekend. Basically, we have a salsa garden...tomatoes, onions, and a variety of peppers. But we also have a couple of rhubarb plants and raspberry bushes surround the garden.
I'm also working on a canvas playhouse for my little niece. Hopefully I'll have that to share with you shortly. Have a great week everyone!